Lyonel Feininger (Illustration), Walter Gropius (Author) / Manifesto and programme of the State Bauhaus, April 1919, with illustration “Cathedral” illustration by Lyonel Feininger, 1919 / Bauhaus-Archiv Berlin / © VG Bild-Kunst Bonn

Lyonel Feininger (Illustration), Walter Gropius (Author) Manifesto and programme of the State Bauhaus, April 1919, with illustration “Cathedral” illustration by Lyonel Feininger, 1919 Bauhaus-Archiv Berlin © VG Bild-Kunst Bonn


The Bauhaus only existed for 14 years: from 1919 to 1933. Despite this, it became the twentieth century’s most important college of architecture, design and art. For political reasons, fresh starts had to be made repeatedly in Weimar, Dessau and Berlin, but under its three directors – Walter Gropius, Hannes ...


‘Together, we are intending, conceiving and creating the new building of the future …’ Walter Gropius’s founding manifesto is shaped by an educational vision even more than by its architectural and craft vision. The history of the Bauhaus and the development of its programme did not follow a smooth ...

Teaching at the Bauhaus

This conceptual diagram showing the structure of teaching at the Bauhaus was developed by Walter Gropius in 1922. The programme places ‘building’ [Bau] at the centre of all the activities. But a regular course in architecture was only introduced at the Bauhaus in 1927. Only the most talented students were ...

Life at the Bauhaus

During the fourteen years of its existence, the Bauhaus was threatened, contested and persecuted again and again. It was closed for political reasons no fewer than three times. Threats to its existence due to external hostility led to strong internal solidarity. Thus the Bauhaus members achieved the breakthrough to a ...



On 12th April 1919 Walter Gropius signs his contract as Director of the Bauhaus, hitherto Grand-Ducal Saxon College of Fine Arts [Grossherzoglich Sächsische Hochschule für bildende Kunst] in Weimar. He unites it formally with the College of Applied Art [Kunstgewerbeschule], which had already been dissolved in 1915, and gives ...

After 1933

The Bauhaus was forced to close down in 1933 due to pressure from the Nazis. However, its ideas continued to spread all over the world along with the emigrating Bauhaus members – to the USA, Switzerland, Russia, Israel and many other countries.

In the USA, Josef Albers became a respected art ...


Wann genau wurde das Bauhaus gegründet?

Es gibt kein offizielles Gründungsdokument des Bauhauses. Das Wort Bauhaus taucht nach Kenntnis des Bauhaus-Archivs zum ersten Mal im Arbeitsvertrag von Walter Gropius als Direktor des Bauhauses auf, den dieser am 12. April 1919 unterzeichnete. Mehr dazu

Wer studierte am Bauhaus?

Die Forschungsstelle für Biografien ehemaliger Bauhaus-Angehöriger ...


Bauhaus collaboration, Berlin – Dessau – Weimar Joint web site for the Bauhaus institutions in Berlin, Dessau and Weimar Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau Meisterhäuser Dessau Stiftung Weimarer Klassik, Bauhaus Museum Weimar

Institutional members and memberships of the Bauhaus-Archiv / Museum für Gestaltung Internationales Design Zentrum Berlin Arbeitskreis selbständiger Kultur-Institute e.V. ...

Visit us at the temporary bauhaus-archiv!

Our museum and archive at Klingelhöferstrasse are closed due to construction work.